Should You Unplug Your Appliances When Going Away?

you covered the essentials packed your bags, tested your alarm system, and notified the right people. But what about your home appliances?

As you gear up for your much anticipated vacation, you’ve probably covered all the essentials packed your bags, tested your alarm system, and notified the right people. But what about your home appliances? Should you unplug them before leaving? Let’s break it down.

  1. Save Energy and Money
    Many appliances continue to draw power even when they’re in standby mode. Devices like microwaves, TVs, and phone chargers consume energy while not in use, adding to your electricity bill. By unplugging unnecessary appliances before you leave, you can save energy and cut down on costs, giving your wallet a bit of relief while you’re on holiday.
  2. Avoid Potential Safety Hazards
    Power surges, caused by load-shedding or lightning strikes, can damage your appliances or even start a fire. Since you won’t be around to handle any emergencies, it’s safer to unplug items like TVs, computers, and kitchen appliances. This simple step can prevent costly damage and give you peace of mind while you’re away.
  3. What About the Geyser?
    Switching off your geyser at the main board is a smart move if you’re going to be away for an extended time. Geysers can leak or burst, leading to expensive water damage. Turning it off ensures you avoid any unpleasant surprises upon your return.
  4. Keep Some Appliances On
    Certain appliances, such as your fridge, alarm system, and security cameras, should remain plugged in for safety and hygiene. These devices are essential for keeping your home secure and your food preserved while you’re gone.

Unplugging most of your appliances before you go on vacation can save energy, reduce your bills, and protect your home from potential hazards. Just be sure to leave on any essential devices that help keep your home safe and secure. Safe travels!

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Should You Unplug Your Appliances When Going Away?

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