Should I Consider Purchasing A Power Generator?

A power generator is simply a device or machine capable of producing electricity.

With the current load-shedding crisis happening in South Africa, everyone is looking for ways of being less dependent on the Power provided by the municipalities.

Besides considering installing solar power, a Power generator is also a solution.

A power generator is simply a device or machine capable of producing electricity.

There are 7 types of generators you can use for your home.

The main use and know generator is the standby generator also known as the “Whole house” which is a type of generator that can be connected to your entire house or business electrical system and they are a stationary fixture.

Some of them have the feature to switch on automatically when they sense a power outage and will continue to run until the power comes back on (You can switch it off manually or it will be automatically once the power is back).

The other types of generators are gasoline generators, diesel generators, solar generators, natural gas generators, inventor generators, and portable generators.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a power generator?

  1. Advantages
  • It plays the role of backup power for your home.
  • Provide electricity in case of a power outage or any natural disaster or other emergencies.
  • A generator can work without any form of wiring installation, you simply need to turn off the mains, start the generator, and plug it into any socket.
  • Power generators can either be run either on natural gas or petrol
  • A power generator can run for a long time.
  1. Disadvantages
  • A power generator can sometimes require frequent maintenance depending on how you use it.
  • Power generators can be super noisy.
  • They harm the ecosystem due to the highly emitting toxic gases that affect the health of humans, animals, and even plants.

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Should I Consider Purchasing A Power Generator?

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