Safeguard checklist to prevent wiring hazards in your home.

Safety first, many wiring or electrical hazard can simply be prevented by following the checklist below.

We cannot imagine our life without electricity although it’s necessary, it can also be quite dangerous when it’s not used properly.

You can never predict a wiring hazard or an incident in your home but you can always prevent it by taking all the precautions to minimize the risk of any type of danger.

Safety first, many wiring or electrical hazard can simply be prevented by following the checklist below.

Safeguard checklist to prevent wiring hazards in your home.

  1. Check for any overloaded outlet – Do not overload any electrical outlet.
  2. Make sure electrical cords around your house are stored safely.
  3. Unplug any unused appliances – Make sure to always unplug the unused appliance before going to bed or living the house.
  4. Avoid your appliances from overheating by checking if there’s enough space around each appliance to ensure air circulation.
  5. Ensure the correct wattage is used for each appliance.
  6. Replace all the damaged cables.
  7. Keep your electrical equipment far from the swimming pool- keep your appliances away from water.

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Safeguard checklist to prevent wiring hazards in your home.

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