Clean, efficient, affordable and reliable energy future

Firstly, the energy grid system has been very inefficient lately and secondly, key environmental and social problems, both local and global, have been linked with the downfall of our energy system.

Energy has been the fundamental foundation of economic development globally. In the way it is sourced, produced and used, where two major shortcomings have occurred. Firstly, the energy grid system has been very inefficient lately and secondly, key environmental and social problems, both local and global, have been linked with the downfall of our energy system.

Many environmental and social problems are caused by the way the energy system operates. South Africans are using high levels of electricity, which has been diminishing our overall systems that keeps our lights on daily. Our society will need to make a concise decision on their consumption levels to help ensure that future blackouts don’t happen again.

The combustion, transport and disposal of energy sources as they go through different conversion processes results in harmful emissions. These emissions in turn cause local, regional and global environmental problems. 


What is a sustainable energy future?

Renewable energy resources can be defined as energy, which provides affordable, accessible and reliable energy services that, helps meet economic, social and environmental needs within the overall developmental of our society

The expansion of renewable energy in South Africa has taken place mostly in the rural areas, where poor households are electrified with solar panel home systems in places where the national grid cannot penetrate economically, which for South Africans and the rest of Africa its is pretty much still the case. In many instances renewable energy is the lowest cost energy for these households all over Africa.

Clean energy

The cleaner energy technologies available to South Africa in the short and medium terms can be divided into cleaner fossil fuel that are more energy efficient, and able to sustain renewable energy. Because of South Africa’s extensive use of non renewable energy adverse impressions on both the local and global environment are significant which we would need to put in some carefully planned measures to ensure that our countries power grid does not collapse.

Renewable energy resources

A sustainable energy system can be defined as one that provides for present energy needs without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their energy requirements.


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Clean, efficient, affordable and reliable energy future

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