Nelson Mandela international day – Take Action!
Nelson Mandela International day calls on everyone to do their bit to brighten up the lives of those in dire straights. It is a call to make the world a better place and spread a message of hope, unity and positivity. This year we celebrate 100 years since the birth of Nelson Mandela, the centenary seeing a push in getting the campaign out there, predominately under the hashtag #ActionAgainstPoverty
Why is it 67 minutes?
The story of Nelson Mandela is well known and widely documented. It’s no secret that his life served as an inspiration and a source of hope for many people around the globe. He spent 67 years fighting for the freedom of South Africans, thus the call to devote 67 minutes of your time – one minute for every year of Nelson Mandela’s great struggle – to do something to make the world a better place, no matter how small that deed is.
What can I do?
The hashtag #ActionAgainstPoverty, is the slogan driving the campaign this year. There are a great number of organizations that will take part. For more on information these efforts or to get, please visit the link below: