5 do’s and don’ts for an energy-efficient home

Energy saving has always been a fundamental, either to protect the environment or their bank account. To make this goal easier to achieve, there are simple yet very effective reflexes to adopt in our everyday life.

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5 days to rise to this challenge… until next week end !

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DAY 1 – House Lightening

Don’t leave the lights in rooms which are not being used on.

Do switch to light bulbs which are energy –efficient.


DAY 2 – House Heating

Don’t let colder air to flow in your house from the outside environment.

Do make sure to insulate properly windows and walls of your home.


DAY 3 – House Appliances

Don’t use secondary fridge or freezer, especially those manufactured before 1992.

Do buy Energy Star Appliances and Equipment.


DAY 4 – House Smart Power

Don’t leave appliances on when not being in used and also unplug them.

Do use a power strip with a master on/off switch to switch and keep power flowing to multiple devices.


DAY 5 – House Cooling

Don’t use air-conditioning, which uses a lot of energy, to heat up your house during summer.

Do insulate your attic to avoid losing warmth from your home.

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And of course, for the week end .. let’s continue !


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5 do’s and don’ts for an energy-efficient home

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