“For credit card transaction in Cape Town, please register on powertime.co.za with sms vending. Otherwise you can pay using your wallet”

If you receive this error message, it is because you are trying to purchase electricity online for a meter registered in Cape Town.

Cape Town municipality has set up some restrictions for online vending.

To purchase for a Cape Town meter, there are 2 options:

  1. Register with SMS vending in the Electricity section. Link your meter, your cellphone and your credit card and send your token request via SMS to 34646 using the following format: SMS “1234 100″ to purchase R 100 of electricity for your selected meter (where 1234 is your security PIN)
  2. Pay on any of our channels (apps, web) using your Powertime wallet. Top up your Powertime wallet via credit card or EFT in the Wallet section. Buy electricity using the money available in your wallet.